We are living in extraordinary times with so much change - the world is changing at a faster pace than at any other time in our history - this is creating stress like never before. We have depleted our soil, contaminated the air, created invasion on our system with ever increasing Electro-Magnetic-Fields and made life so conveniently easy that we are generally not moving the way our bodies were designed to do - and now are living alongside a dangerous virus!
When will it end?
As humans, we are a species that thrives on connection and community, that has been so depleted from our lives in the past months and it’s taking its toll! We can’t sleep, then can’t wake up, we can’t focus and our bodies ache, we have digestive issues feel on constant overwhelm. So what can we do about it?
This is a problem that can ONLY be addressed at the Cellular Level!
As an independent Practitioner with NES Health, I KNOW I can help you to better Health and Wellness.
Stronger immunity means stronger resistance to ANY Infections.
Better sleep means better strength and focus
Healthy Body - Healthy Mind : Better Life!
These are unprecedented times - we are in living history! Let’s move together into a happier and healthier future.
(To see more information : Check out the page on this website - ALL ABOUT NES Health)
Current Price for Voice Scan and Full Consultation : £60.00 Use this link to set up your own personal account and save your voice scan for future viewing:
Once you have set up your account, go ahead and book my calendar below for your consultation on zoom (Link will be sent nearer the time of the appointment). The DAY BEFORE YOUR BOOKED APPOITMENT is when you should do your voice scan.
A Voice Scan is very quick and easy, it will indicate where your body is needing support. Simply log into your account and follow the BWS Voice Scan link, make sure you are in a quiet place without background noise, authorize the microphone on your device and ‘Go’ There will be a counter running, simply speak or count until the counter stops counting (approx 10 seconds) and you are done. Following our meeting on zoom your scan will be available in your NES Health Account. There is a lot of information so you will have this scan for future reference, any future scans will also be available here in your account.
Please feel free to email any questions:
Click this link to find out more about NES Health and Bio-Energetics: